One more day until our vacation! Cody and I were originally supposed to visit his parents in Georgia, but plans fell through and now we get to laze around here and spend some well deserved time together. Ten long days of glorious nothingness and hopefully not too much responsibility.
We definitely want to keep our plans loose since this is a vacation, but I'm excited for what we do have scheduled so far:
Friday - After work it's off to B's for some Mario Kart Wii, Rock Band, and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I told myself I wouldn't be such a chicken and would attempt the whole Rock Band thing, but we'll see how that goes. At the very least I can try to hold my own at Mario Kart.
Saturday / Sunday - I'm supposed to meet up with HotNurse for some sort of female bonding over the weekend, but we haven't nailed down a day, time, or place yet. No worries though because she's always fun to pal around with.
Monday - All the blah stuff should definitely get knocked out early on, so we're kicking off the day with x-rays and ultra sounds. Thankfully this time around the medical center I'm visiting is just around the corner and I won't have to brave every bump in the rode with crossed legs and clenched fists. Pre-ultra sound I have to drink 32 ounces of water, finish it at least one hour prior to my exam, and can't pee until they're done poking, prodding, and incessantly pressing on what always feels like my bladder. The last time I went through this I seriously thought I was going to pee on the technician. Cody, if you're reading this, please take note that I love you very much and I apologize in advance for any crankiness that may ensue. I promise I'll return to my sweet self once the nice people at the lab let me use the bathroom.
Tuesday - We have tickets to see Wicked at the Pantages! We've wanted to see this for ages, but have been way too busy and way too broke to even fathom going. This is our one big splurge for the week since we no longer need to worry about airfare or hotels. I'll try my best not to sing too loudly during the performance, but don't get mad at me if I hum along.
Thursday - B's super awesome girlfriend got us tickets to the Terra Cotta Warrior exhibit at the Bowers Museum. I'm super excited about this. If you're there that morning, you'll recognize me as the all too giddy museum patron pacing in front of the doors chanting OPEN, OPEN, OPEN to herself as she counts down the minutes until they let us in.
So yeah, not much planned so far, but it's probably better that way. Who knows, we might even finally get around to unpacking. Six months of living out of boxes is enough for this girl!
2 years ago
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